Tuesday 24 January 2017

poem 118

Old year's night and the kindly mother, driving smartly to defiant house
for there's a seat to everyone and the feast of life, warm and welcomed
Here we all smiled at the jokes told and at anecdotes lightly raised
the poet glanced outside, as seven stones seal danced up ingmar hill
It's then our host, a lady of colours and carrying her glittered smile 
brought to dressed tables a meal fit for queens and we others too
tasted each perfect flavoured smell and so much more, for the fill
When surprise and open wide eyes, at the size of this, the cream of ice
and all home made to a dessert, simply best to end any weary year 
Then to fire side for now the games of brains begin or my sinking well
but here Rothko's last cut was just spelt out and three points gladly won!
Then to the wandering esoteric gardens, grace lit upon each l.e.d. shoe
now in union we all count proud, loud and then shout “Happy new year” 
and to this harmony, ninety fire works begin to sing their sweetest display 
Across tilt lit faces each binding zinc with smoke tall and coloured noise 
as the last firework falls, he knows for all this powder, his triumphs die
because tonight, given to delight and inturned to dark, the lovers’ kiss burns

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