Thursday 23 May 2024

poem 237


Pity the nation whose people are educated to be sheep culled,

and whose shepherds misdeed them.

Pity the nation whose leaders must lie, whose sages must whisper,

and whose bigots feed your brainwaves.

Pity the nation that imprisoned humanities noble voice,

then praise conquerors who rule with force and torture.

Pity the nation that knows no other language but its own

and no other culture but a life cleansed .

Pity the nation whose breath is born into money greatest deed

and sleeps the sleep of forced fed glory .

Pity the nation oh, pity the people who rights the rich 

must always erode away 

Pity a nation born on genocide, then tortured their youth 

until insanity became the only reality 

Pity the human a nation, that raises there head and says 

love is best, all be it, our greatest test

I slightly edited  this poem just to give it better focus and clarity in reality ~ poem Lawrence Ferlinghetti re-edited by a dust 

(Book: Ferlinghetti's Greatest Poems

(Art Credit: Lesley Oldaker)

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